We would like to inform the membership that the Board or Directors has created an alcohol policy for the membership to minimize legal ramifications for the club.  Please review the policy below and follow it accordingly.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  

Ha’Penny Bay beach Club 

Alcohol Policy


The board, or those members who are present, reserve the right to refuse to admit any club member who shows up to a Ha’Penny event obviously under the influence of alcohol. We also reserve the right to ask the member to leave should they become inebriated.

Upon a first violation, the member shall also be sent a letter informing them that they have had a first offense and are subject to further action if there is a second offense.

After a second offense, the member will be banned from purchasing alcohol at club events. They will be sent a letter informing of this and the penalty for a third offense.

At a third offense, the member will be expelled from the club.